PG Art Gallery is hosting Hale Gungor Oppenheimer’s solo exhibition called ‘Height’ between 2 November- 2 December 2021.
In her fourth solo exhibition in our gallery, Oppenheimer presents different views from different settings to the viewer. Uncertain where these nature images belong to, is it possible that they are referring to the planet Earth as one or a whole?
The lines in her works, work as a vessel to add volume and depth, height to her works, instead of creating patterns. In her works, she uses visual pieces that she selects from various resources and turns them into collages with her pencil strokes. Her compositions consist of ordinary objects and furniture that could be found in a house and details of everyday life.
Unlike in her previous series called ‘Subaquatic’ (2007), Oppenheimer takes on a different perspective and looks outside from the house. The “home” concept she has been questioning is now changed, and moved on to the tall buildings.
The artist is now neither inside nor outside of the house. She now positions herself in a much higher position, showing the mountains, stones, hills, sea, beaches and the forests to her audience. This new perspective creates an expansion and offers a more inclusive visuality.
Her works, which are placed between two glasses, are placed specifically so that they can follow the mountain image drawn on the walls of the gallery by Oppenheimer. It is possible to say that Oppenheimer, who has been living in different places around the world though out her life, reflects her experiences she gained to her works.